Peoria Arizona businesses

The trusted Peoria Arizona businesses section of our site is currently a work in progress, and we need your help to complete it.

We are seeking local Peoria Arizona businesses willing to offer specials or discounted pricing for our clients and web site visitors.

Think of it as free advertising.

Here is what we are offering to do

We will build an entire page about your business. Think of it as similar to the get to know us link.

Not only will our for sale by owner clients be interested in your services, but so will our investor clients, and our web site visitors. If you are interested in the number of daily visitors feel free to contact me and I will provide any visitor statistics that you wish.

We are not looking for any sort of compensation for this advertising. We always forgo any compensation from our partners and pass it along to our clients.

What we ask in return

We ask only a couple things in return for your participation in our Trusted Partners program.

#1. As mentioned above we ask that you provide our clients with a special offer or discount that is better than your best price. This could be a dollar discount, a percentage discount, extra services, an expanded warranty, or a number of other specials at your discretion.

#2. I ask that you provide a link from your company's website to mine. We monitor the link to ensure that it stays active.

#3. Understand that if your participation in the program is accepted that both of our reputations are on the line.

#4. Your business must be located in Peoria, AZ. There could be special circumstances where we would allow a business outside of Peoria to participate. For instance if there aren't any tankless hot water installers in Peoria we would allow another company to be listed.

How it will work

We will leave access to the pages so that our clients and visitors can learn about your company, but they will have to be registered and log in to be able to access your special offer and contact your company.

We will provide a link that will email directly to you any inquiries from our website. We will also receive a copy and track how many people visit your page on our site as well as click through to contact you.

We will also be contacting our clients and asking them to fill out a review of the services as well as pictures of the work if applicable.

If you are a Peoria:

  • Handyman
  • Painter
  • Plumber
  • Landscaper
  • Drywaller
  • House Cleaner
  • General Contractor
  • Electrician
  • Flooring Expert
  • Stucco Company
  • Mortgage Broker
  • Title Company
  • Insurance Broker
  • Property Management Company
  • Or any other Peoria Arizona business that provides services to homeowners

Please contact me if you wish to become part of our trusted Peoria Arizona businesses program.

I look forward to hearing from you.