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Maracay Homes

Maracay Homes has built over 6,000 homes in the Valley since 1991. They have always strived to give home buyers more choices than any other home bujilder in Arizona. It only makes sense that what makes the perfect home for you is probably different for me. It is difficult for builders of tract homes to provide a home that is right for everyone. That is why Maracay created Flex Design®, where it's about choices. With the Flex Design® program you can make floorplan changes, and extend into custom changes, including choices in standard features, options, design selections, mortgage lenders, pool builders and landscape contractors.

Flex Design® gives homebuyers the ability to design their home to be the right home for them.

If this sort of flexibility appeals to you then you should definitely check out their developments. The first is Crescentviews at Sonoran Mountain Ranch which happens to be located in Peoria Arizona. They also have another development in Vistancia called Stoneridge. You can view that community in our Vistancia Section.

Maracay has many other developments in the greater Phoenix area, but they are all outside of the city of Peoria so I am not focusing on them here.

Maracay Homes Contact Information

I hate to provide their contact information, because hopefully the information you can find at our Peoria Arizona new homes section is better, but I am all about providing you the information you are looking for. So here you go.
  • Address - 15160 N Hayden Rd #200, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
  • Phone Number - 480.970.6000
  • Fax Number - 480.970.8899
  • Website -
  • Email - none published

Can I Interest You In A Peoria AZ Home?

I strive to have the most extensive Peoria AZ new homes section on the web. If you would like to view the new homes built by Maracay Homes or any other new home builder with new developments in Peoria, take a look at our Peoria Arizona new homes for sale section.

If you are looking to buy or sell a home please give me a call.


Bobbi Herman

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