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Learn how to subscribe to the Peoria Real Estate RSS feed.

You may have been seeing those little orange RSS or XML buttons around the Internet. If you were wondering what they are...

It's "the next big thing" -- Well at least it is very handy. You can use it to get newsfeeds from CNN or any of your favorite web sites, including news on upcoming movies, DVD releases, your favorite musician's tour updates, etc.

Once you get started, it's like having your favorite parts of the Web come to you. No need to go out and check for updates all the time. In other words you can subscribe and have my web site reach out to your computer and let you know when I have updated something. Once set up it is on auto pilot so you will know exactly when I have added a new page, updated a page, or wrote a new blog entry. I like Using this because even if I set a page as one of my favorites I sometimes forget to go back and visit again. With an RSS feed it is right in front of you all the time.

"RSS" means "Really Simple Syndication." When you subscribe to a site that has an RSS feed, you can keep up-to-date without having to check the site every day or week.

How do you get started? Easy!

You can download a free RSS Reader. This is special software that reads the RSS feeds, but I prefer to add the feed directly to my Yahoo homepage (or Google or MSN if you use one of them instead.)

Windows -- RssReader

Mac -- NetNewsWire

Once you're set up, here's all you have to do...

Right-click (control-click for Mac users) on any orange RSS button on a site, blog or news source that interests you. Start by right-clicking on the orange button below. Then...

copy and paste Select Copy Shortcut ("Copy Link to Clipboard" for Mac, "Copy Link Location" for Firefox browsers), and paste that URL into your RSS Reader.

And that's it! You're subscribed.

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Right-click and get started.

Don't want to download new software?
Subscribe through My Yahoo! or My MSN or Google. With these you just left click the button below and it walks you right through how to do it. After you are done you will see the most recent updates for my site right on the page you set it up on. This is much easier than downloading a rss reader if you already use one of these sites as your home page.

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Add RSS to your Google homepage.

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