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You Should Never Browse Model Homes Without a Realtor

I know that sounds a little nuts. But there are a number of reasons why you should always bring a Realtor with you to a new home development.

I know what you are thinking, because I am a Realtor I want to work with you and get paid. Well of course that is part of it. I wouldn't have spent hundreds (maybe a thousand) hours working on this website if I didn't want to work with you.

But consider this, according to census data, the average American moves every 7 years. Two or three of those moves are going to be when you are a child so as an adult you are probably going to move five or six times in your life.

Assuming that you aren't independently wealthy, purchasing a home is going to be the largest single purchase you ever make.

The home buying process, especially buying new construction, is full of legal issues, complicated decisions, and frustrations that most home buyers never think about.

new home sales people Sure the friendly sales person in the office is there to make the process smoother for you, but they are no different than a car salesman. No offense to car salesman or new home sales people, but they are definitely not there to represent your best interests. By the time you walk out of that office they will have you signed into their system and will not allow a real estate agent to work with you if they weren't with you when you first visited their new home community. Why not? Well now they don't have to pay a commission to a Realtor so they make more profit.

Did you know that when you hire a Realtor to represent you that Realtor becomes a fiduciary?

While I know the new home builder's salespeople are very friendly, their job is to convince you to pay as much as possible for options, upgrades, lot premiums, slow moving properties, pools, mortgage services, title services, home owner's insurance premiums, etc.

Also, working with a Realtor to buy a new home from a builder does not increase the cost of your home. The builder also will not decrease the price of the home either. They have to keep their prices somewhat consistent for their other customers. If they offer a customer a $10,000 price reduction for not using a Realtor, then the person that did use a Realtor just lost $10,000 in equity.

The new home builders pay the Realtor commission out of their marketing budgets.

I have worked with more people in the past few years to buy new homes than you will probably buy in your life time. If it doesn't cost you anything then you might as well give me a call so I make sure your purchase is not only smooth, but there is a lower chance that you will have buyer's remorse after you move in.

Builders are like any other business. In good times they tend to cut corners so that they can quickly move on to the next home. In slow times they tend to cut corners to increase profits.

For instance will you have a detailed eye to look for things not built correctly in your home? Builder's use subsonctractors for almost all of the work completed in your home. How much over sight is there? The super intendents are stretched so thin that it is impossible for them to catch everything. Did the painter water the paint down so much that you can see the brown wood base boards in your closet? Are the cabinets hung level or are they off by 1/2 an inch?

There are a number of things that can go wrong, and so many people are too insecure to speak up and demand that the home is built right. If you are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for a home it should be damn near perfect. I don't mind being the bad guy. After all, that is my job. I am representing your interests.

Instead of spending a day driving around looking for the new home developments, wasting your gas bouncing from development to development. Let me take you around. It is a nice no pressure way of getting to know me better, and you'll probably get a free lunch out of it too. Spend some time browsing through our Peoria AZ new homes section.

If you are ready to go look at homes, Contact me directly to set up a time to go look. Don't feel like you are imposing either. I live and work in Peoria so most of the developments are near my home or office.

Even if you decide not to bring me to the new home development, make sure you bring another Realtor. Maybe it's because I have seen so many things that can go wrong during the process that I feel it is so important, but since it won't cost you anything you might as well.

Hopefully you decide to bring a Realtor with you, so before you decide which one, please visit the Get To Know Me and why hire us sections first.



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