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DR Horton

DR Horton started as a local new home builder in Texas. They grew to a regional home builder and now claim that they are the largest United States new home builder. That is pretty impressive since the company began in 1978.

An interesting little side note is that the corporate web site barely talks about themselves at all. While most new home builders will go on and on about their tradition and commitment to excellence, quality, or some other corporate tag line, the DR Horton site is pretty quiet. I guess they feel that their success speaks for itself.

The company had huge expansion in the 1980s and 1990s. It sounds like most of that was because of the purchase of other new home builders. I would imagine a big chunk of that capital came in 1002 when they issued stock and became a public company.

Much of their success from home owners seem to be based on the fact that the builder has been open to making some custom changes to their floor plans based on the buyer's wants and needs. That is very uncommon among the big new home builders. Of course you can't be sure that they will make custom changes to a home, but I suppose it is worth asking.

Current (or Recent) Peoria Arizona New Home Developments

  • Park Rose Heritage
  • Park Rose Legacy
  • Rio Estates
  • Camino A Lago Alamo
  • Camino A Lago Sunrise
  • Camino A Lago Villages
  • Camino A Lago Citadel

DR Horton Arizona Contact Information

I wish I didn't need to provide their contact information, because hopefully the information you find in our Dr Horton section is better, but I am all about providing my website visitors with the information they are looking for. So here you go.
  • Address - 16430 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
  • Phone Number - 480-483-0006
  • Fax Number - none listed
  • Website -
  • Email - none listed. You can contact them through a form on their website.

Can I Interest You In A Peoria AZ New Home?

I strive to have the best Peoria Arizona new homes section on the web. If you would like to view the new homes built by any of the new home builders in Peoria, take a look at our new homes for sale in Peoria Arizona section.

If you are looking for an Arizona Realtor then please give me a call.


Bobbi Herman

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